Introduction to ERC20

ERC-20 tokens are digital assets native to the Ethereum blockchain that adhere to a common set of rules. This standardization ensures predictability and compatibility across dApps, exchanges, and wallets within the Ethereum network.

Key Components

The ERC-20 protocol mandates the following six core functions:

  • totalSupply: Provides the total number of tokens in existence.

  • balanceOf: Returns the token balance associated with a specific address.

  • transfer: Enables direct token transfers between addresses.

  • transferFrom: Allows approved third-party contracts (e.g., decentralized exchanges) to facilitate token transfers on a user’s behalf.

  • approve: Grants a designated address (spender) permission to transfer a specified amount of tokens from your account.

  • allowance: Checks the remaining tokens a spender is authorized to transfer from a particular owner’s account.

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